What’s That Building? The Streamline Moderne Factories | WBEZ Chicago

Two Art Deco buildings once held car accessory manufactures. They’ve been brought back to life by the family-owned Freedman Seating Company. Lots of Chicago-area buildings make you stop and ask: “What’s that building?” WBEZ’s Reset is collecting the stories behind them! You can also find them on this map. It may not be obvious at first glance, but […]

The Manufacturing Mismatch | WBEZ Chicago

The Manufacturing Mismatch Manufacturing companies need workers. Chicago has plenty. But linking them together may require a regionally coordinated effort. By Esther Yoon-Ji Kang Published Oct. 28, 2019 LISTEN AND READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE Until the region develops a comprehensive industrial policy that addresses transportation, employers will have to get creative to fill their job openings, […]

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