Welcome attendees! For over 125 years, we’ve been engineering and manufacturing seats and seating related products for many different applications. Our product lines include bus, rail, marine, delivery truck, specialty and commercial vehicle seating. Consistent growth and expansion has earned Freedman Seating recognition as the leading manufacturer of transportation seating solutions. Manufacturing seats for buses, Freedman Seating supplies the major OEMs, over 250 bus distributors, the federal government, and many states and municipalities. The family of Freedman Seating bus seats includes products for small and mid-size coaches, para transit vans and buses, public transit buses, and private bus operators.

Featuring PPE (Passenger Protective Equipment)

Freedman Seating has always led the way for passenger safety. Our seats and safety equipment are tested to meet or exceed motor safety standards. And now as we look to protect passengers from new threats, we’re proud to add another layer of protection. Freedman’s Passenger Protective Equipment (PPE) products are designed to help prevent the spread of germs.

Protect passengers from sneezes, coughs, droplets and other airborne person-to-person threats and germs.

Passenger Guards

Grab Rail Covers

Social Distance Seat Bands

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