Freedman Cares – Thanksgiving in the Neighborhood

Freedman Seating is no stranger to philanthropy. Each year, company-wide, employees, friends and family participate in various walk-a-thons, collections, and yes even the famous Ice Bucket Challenge. This past Thanksgiving, Sales Coordinator and Customer Service Manager, Will Loy embarked on a new Freedman Cares project: delivering the Holiday spirit to neighbors in need.

“It was an amazing experience to have had the opportunity to provide for the less fortunate. I couldn’t have done it without the many donations and prayers,” said Will, who along with a group of Freedman management and staff, friends, and family took on the task of collecting, preparing, and delivering food, clothing, and toiletries to individuals and families across Chicago. “We were moved by the impact we created.”

For several weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, items were collected across the company from employees and families. Will notes that those receiving were very happy and thankful for items such as blankets, coats, and sandwiches. One individual said “I am amazed at how many people really care for us. God Bless you.”

Because of its success, the group plans to continue accepting donations and delivering items to those in need throughout the Holiday season.

“I would like to thank all who donated; and special thanks to Klaudia, Joey, Lourdes, Susie, Marisela, Summer and Paul for helping with the distribution. Also Paris and her team for preparing sandwiches for the hungry,” added Will. “I am very thankful for everyone’s support on helping the less fortunate.”

Clothing, blankets and non-perishable food donations may be forwarded to Will Loy at Freedman Seating Company, 4545 W. August Blvd, Chicago, IL 60651.


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