Technical Bulletin 20002: UV Light Disinfection

Technical Bulletin 20002
The use of UV Light Disinfection on surfaces in buses, trucks, ships, trains, or other vehicles

Freedman Seating Company is committed to the health and safety of the passengers and staff of customers and their customers and riders. To fight the spread of COVID-19 and other pathogens, transit authorities, private operators and transportation contractors are considering various options to disinfect their buses. One option discussed is the use of direct UV light to disinfect surfaces.

On June 22, 2020, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) published a white paper (APTA-SS-ISS-WP-001-20) titled Cleaning and Disinfecting Transit Vehicles and Facilities During a Contagious Virus Pandemic. The document states, direct “UV light is also known to cause damage to material such as plastic and rubbers that are commonly found in transit vehicles and facilities. Prolonged use of UV light for disinfection may cause rapid deterioration of transit assets and should be considered.”

Freedman Seating Company does not recommend the use of direct UV light to disinfect or sterilize our products in transit vehicles, private buses, shuttles, vans, ships, trains, or other vehicles as it may cause damage to the materials used.

Please review to cleaning and disinfecting guides provided by upholstery manufactures.

If you have any questions, please contact your Freedman Seating Representative.

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