Leading Seat Manufacturer Chooses Unison Tube Bending Technology

Read how Unison’s tube bending solution is helping Freedman Seating increase manufacturing capacity.

Your CTA Seat Comes From a 125-Year-Old Company in West Humboldt Park

CHICAGO MAGAZINE | Freedman Seating’s roots date back to the Columbian Exposition. But their big break was the 1991 Americans with Disabilities Act.

Employees Ride The National Bike Challenge

Freedman Seating’s focus on the “greening” of its manufacturing includes reducing pollution and waste by minimizing natural resource use, recycling and reusing what was considered waste, and reducing emissions. This cannot be accomplished without first educating both employees and vendors on the importance of sustainability. For this reason, in 2017, managers and executives drafted an […]

Product Update – P1 Air Suspension Discontinued

Freedman Seating and USSC are phasing out the sale of the P1 Air suspension for cutaway buses. Effective June 1st, 2018 Freedman will no longer stock the P1 Air suspension. Freedman Seating offers two excellent alternatives: Mechanical suspension Adnik height adjustable power pedestal Note: these alternatives cannot be combined on the same seat assembly. What […]

New Executive Bus Seats On Display At International LCT Show

Celebrating its 34th year in 2018, the International Luxury Coach and Transportation Show is the biggest convention in the world for the luxury charter transportation industry. Set in Las Vegas, it is the ultimate destination for operators around the globe seeking education, product showcases and peer-to-peer networking. Freedman Seating and FMS Seating (booth #211) will […]

Advanced Manufacturing & Associates Degree Program

Start your career path to success through this joint career advancement and educational program. Partnering with Skills for Chicagoland’s Future and Richard J. Daley College, Freedman Seating Company has created an exciting opportunity for Chicago’s unemployed and underemployed young adults. If you are between 18-24 years of age and have a high school diploma or GED, this is […]

Upholstery Update – Discontinued, Replaced and New Materials

We are informing all customers of a change in availability of LaFrance fabrics within Freedman’s in-stock upholstery program. Freedman Seating has learned that effective immediately, LaFrance Industries will no longer supply upholstery to transportation markets. Although LaFrance fabrics are being discontinued, we are working closely with other reputable vendors to produce similar designs that best […]

Freedman Seating Takes Show on The GO in 2018

Mobile display features latest in transportation seating, provides education for OEMs, dealers, operators and industry leaders.

Co-workers and Trodo featured on Windy City Live

Two Freedman Seating co-workers were featured on Windy City Live where they shared their inspiring weight loss journey. Muriel and Constance met at our in-house gym, managed by Trodo, and have bonded together to lose an amazing 180 pounds over a year-and-a-half! 

Product Update – Family 3PTA Seat Cover

We are informing all customers of a modification to the Freedman Family 3PTA seat cover effective January 1, 2018. A zipper has been added to the back of the Family 3PTA cover. This zipper will always be located on the same side as the seat belt retractor (closest to the wall). This modification will improve […]

New Initiative Places Chicago’s Unemployed Youth into Jobs

Mayor Emanuel and Skills for Chicagoland’s Future Announce New Initiative to Place Unemployed Youth into Jobs with Career Pathways and Higher Education Skills convenes four leading Chicago employers to hire youth through pilot initiative and several partners to provide education opportunities and mentoring CHICAGO – December 15, 2017 – Mayor Rahm Emanuel today joined Skills for […]

Sen. Durbin, Craig Freedman Among Manufacturing Renaissance Guests at Austin College and Career Academy

Contact: David Robinson Manufacturing Renaissance 3411 W. Diversey ste. 10 Chicago, IL 60647 Phone  773-524-7609 773-278-5418 ext.19 drobinson@mfgren.org Press Release Sen. Durbin joins West Side Pols and manufacturers for visit to acclaimed Manufacturing Renaissance program at Austin College and Career Academy Chicago, IL December 11, 2017:   As headlines blare dire news about violence, school closings […]

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